Mask Sanitization That Anyone Can Build | Hackaday

2022-05-21 00:58:12 By : Ms. Hank Han

We’ve seen a wide variety of mask sanitization solutions, and now, [spiritplumber] from [Robots Everywhere] brings us a frugal and ingenious design – one that you barely even need tools for. This project might look rough around the edges but looks were never a prerequisite, and as a hacker worth their salt will recognize – this is an answer to “how to design a mask disinfector that anyone can build”.

Local shortages of masks have been threatening communities here and there, doubly so if you need a specific kind of mask that might be out of stock. This design could apply to a whole lot of other things where sterilization is desired, too – improving upon concepts, after all, is our favourite pastime.

The design is simple – a battery-powered motor rotating a mask inside a vat of concentrated H2O2, turned into mist by a cheap ultrasonic misting gadget. As the “turntable” rotates a your PPE of choice, making sure that every crevice is graced with cleaning touch of peroxide, it also causes the H2O2 mist to circulate. Fulfilling most important requirements for a proper sanitization system that more complex devices have been struggling with, this approach has certainly earned its place under the sun.

[Robots Everywhere] have shared a small library of their DIY PPE resources with all of us, and that’s not all they work on – recently, we’ve seen their aeroponics project rejuvenating garlic.

Using hydrogen peroxide vapour for PPE sanitization is a well-tested approach by now, as we’ve seen it deployed back in 2020 on a larger scale as part of an FDA-approved design. And if you only have 3% peroxide at hand, might as well try concentrating it further!

H2O2 in a clear tank with ultra sonic vibrating all the O2 out. H2O2 is very unstable. It’ll react to light and turn in H2O and O2. Shaking a bottle of H2O2 will do the same. It lost is anti-bacterial property after that.

Just put the mask in a UV-C chamber. Of course you need to seal it so you can see any UV-C light on outside.

Agree, first aid grade H2O2 comes in brown plastic bottles for a reason.

After testing, we found that the h2o2 lasts about ten days in there.

Ozonator and a sandwich bag. Boom. Done.

I use a washing machine. Works really well. I haven’t yet found a mask that doesn’t endure the experience.

I’m a little skittish about sanitation advice after the [disgusting stove, random bowl of liquid, toothbrush on counter] tour of the workshop… 🤔

It’s a working kitchen :P anyway, that toothbrush is used specifically to clean the stove.

With Omicron dominating nobody would die for the lack of a mask, in fact in communities that may have shortages you tend to find even more resilient humans as the data coming from Africa demonstrates beautifully. But if you really do need to “clean” them then only a few minutes of sunlight will suffice.

Until today, sunlight was in short supply in South East Queensland.

I just bought an ozone generator to do this for me. If you put it in a container the ozone will build up and sterilize pretty much anything you put in it. The main thing to pay attention to is that ozone is harmful to your lungs in high enough concentrations, and you want to keep it in a container(which helps with the first point) because ozone has been known to turn all of your plastic insulated wiring to a gel if it gets exposed too much. I only know this thanks to a friend who used one a lot to keep the smell down from his cats. He had to get a Multi-Moog repaired a couple of times because it was right next to the generator.

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